In case you missed it: Homeland Security Secretary highlights Gov. Shapiro’s historic budget investments in intellectual disability and autism services, workforce

HARRISBURG, Pa. — Department of Human Services (DHS) Secretary Val Arkoosh recently published two opinion pieces highlighting historic investments in intellectual disability and autism (ID/A) services and the ID/A workforce in Governor Josh Shapiro’s proposed fiscal year 2024/25 budget. At various events around the state, Secretary Arkoosh met with advocates, families, caregivers and direct support professionals to discuss what these investments mean to them and why they are essential to ensuring Pennsylvanians with ID/A live lives with dignity and independence.

The Governor’s proposed $483 million in federal and state funding would provide more resources to home- and community-based service providers so they can pay competitive rates to attract and retain staff to provide these critical services. The proposal includes $78 million in federal and state funding to be invested in the next fiscal year to serve an additional 1,500 Pennsylvanians with ID/A who are currently on the waitlist.

Governor Shapiro and Secretary Arkoosh recently met with Pennsylvanians with ID/A, caregivers and advocates to hear how investments proposed in the 2024/25 Budget will address the needs of Pennsylvanians with ID/A by expanding access to in-home and community-based services and addressing the shortage of direct support professionals.

Watch Chief Arkoosh’s visit to Vision for Equality in Philadelphia.

Watch Chief Arkoosh’s visit to Penn Mar Human Services in York County.

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