Disability affects us all infographic


Disability affects us all [PDF – 1 MB]


Title: Disability affects us all

Community Health Access One in four adults (27%) in the United States has some kind of disability. The US chart shows the number of people with and without disabilities. Percentage of adults with types of functional impairment: 12.1% of US adults have a mobility impairment, meaning they have severe difficulty walking or climbing stairs. 12.8% of US adults have a cognitive impairment, meaning they have severe difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions. 7.2% of US adults have an independent living impairment, meaning they have difficulty performing errands independently. 6.1% of US adults are deaf or severely hearing impaired. 4.8% of US adults are visually impaired, meaning they are blind or have severe vision problems even with glasses. 3.6% of US adults have a self-care impairment, meaning they have difficulty dressing or bathing. Disability and Health

Adults with disabilities are more likely to be obese, smoke, have heart disease, and have diabetes.

41.6% of adults with disabilities are obese compared to 29.6% of adults without disabilities. 21.9% of adults with disabilities smoke compared to 10.9% of adults without disabilities. 9.6% of adults with disabilities have heart disease compared to 3.4% of adults without disabilities. 15.9% of adults with disabilities have diabetes compared to 7.6% of adults without disabilities. Disability and Access to Health Care

Barriers to health care access for working-age adults include:

1 in 4 adults with disabilities ages 18-44 do not have a regular health care provider. 1 in 4 adults with disabilities ages 18-44 had unmet health care needs due to cost in the past year. 1 in 5 adults with disabilities ages 45-64 did not have a regular medical check-up in the past year. Making a Difference

Public health belongs to all of us.

Join CDC and our partners in working together to improve the health of people with disabilities.

Building comprehensive health programs Improving access to health care Monitoring public health data Investigating and reducing health disparities

Check out the infographic and reference materials below: www.cdc.gov/disabilities/

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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Disability and Health Data System (DHDS) [Internet]. [updated 2023 May; cited 2023 May 15]Available from: http://dhds.cdc.gov

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