5 Facts: Facts about the Americans with Disabilities Act | Oklahoma

July 26th is National Disability Independence Day. It marks the anniversary of the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act in 1990. Paralyzed Veterans of America provides some facts about the law.

1 “The ADA requires that all government programs, but not all government facilities, be accessible. ‘Program accessibility’ is a very flexible requirement and does not require local governments to undertake anything that would impose undue financial or administrative burdens.”

2 “The Department of Justice does not require service animals to have a special license or training certificate indicating that they are service animals. If there are questions about the services an animal provides, officials may only ask a person with a disability whether the dog is a service animal necessary because of the disability and what work or tasks the dog can perform.”

3 “The Air Carriage Access Act (ACAA) protects people with disabilities from discrimination in air transportation. This law applies only to airlines that operate scheduled flights to the public for a fee.”

4 “The ADA does not require restaurants to provide menus in Braille; restaurant waiters can read menu options to customers who are visually impaired. However, many restaurants, especially national chains, offer menus in Braille, improving access for these consumers.”

5 “Businesses with fewer than 15 employees are not subject to the ADA’s employment provisions. Moreover, covered employers are not required to provide reasonable accommodations that would cause ‘undue hardship.'”

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