We have been in close contact with the Los Angeles County Superior Court, all of our County partners, and each unit within the Department that could be affected by the potential service disruptions following the ransomware attack on the Los Angeles County Superior Court.
Due to the temporary closure of courts, authorities will not transport inmates to court tomorrow. The release dates of inmates who have been sentenced and are scheduled for release tomorrow will not be affected. All eviction and removal orders in Los Angeles County will be suspended tomorrow.
We are working closely with the Superior Court to minimize the impact to public safety, disseminate the latest information, and ensure that citizens and their families scheduled to appear in court tomorrow are fully informed of the current situation. Additionally, we are working with all stakeholders and the courts to protect the constitutional rights of incarcerated people and mitigate the negative impacts to all members of our community during this time.
Agents from the Department of Court Services will be in the county courthouse to assist the public with any questions or concerns. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience and cooperation while our county partners in the Los Angeles County Superior Court address this serious issue.
For media information, follow @LASDHQ on social media and follow Superior Court at “X.” LA Superior CourtFor the latest updates, please visit us on Instagram, @LASuperiorCourt and https://lacounty.gov/court.