Los Angeles City Council Member Monica Rodriguez held a press conference on Wednesday, July 17, about efforts to clean up the trash-filled site, several years after the first complaints were made.
The press conference was scheduled after numerous police officers entered the Sun Valley property. SkyCal flew over the scene and saw several officers walking through the yard with their guns drawn.
RELATED: Sun Valley couple asks city to clean up neighbor’s junk-filled yard
Multiple agencies were on scene, including police, fire and what appeared to be an unmarked city vehicle.
Rodriguez opened the new meeting with a brief history of the situation, which began in 2019 when the city was first notified of debris building up on the property at 8633 La Tuna Canyon.
City addresses concerns about trash-filled properties in Sun Valley
The Department of Building and Safety then filed a criminal complaint, which was accepted by the city attorney in November 2019.
The trial was scheduled for September 2020 but was canceled due to the impact of COVID-19.
The case appeared to be on hold until the property owners hired an attorney in March 2021 and a trial date was scheduled for May 2021.
The property owner was eventually sued by the City of Los Angeles and sentenced to 180 days in jail.
“She only put out one of them,” Rodriguez said.
A court order was issued on Monday, July 15, allowing the Fire Department, assisted by the Department of Building and Safety, to enter the scene, which allowed authorities to be on the scene on Wednesday.
Amy Matzold
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