Overview of the World Report on Disability


Approximately 15% of the world’s population lives with some kind of disability, of which 2-4% have significant difficulties functioning. The global prevalence of disability is higher than previous WHO estimates dating back to the 1970s, which estimated it to be around 10%. This global disability estimate is trending upwards due to an ageing population, the rapid spread of chronic diseases, and improvements in the methodology for measuring disability.

The first WHO/World Bank World Report on Disability examines the evidence on the situation of people with disabilities around the world. Following chapters on understanding disability and measuring it, the report contains topical chapters on health, rehabilitation, assistance and support, supportive environments, education, and employment. Each chapter discusses the barriers faced and includes case studies showing how countries have addressed these barriers by promoting good practice. The final chapter provides nine concrete recommendations for policy and practice that, if implemented, could really improve the lives of people with disabilities.

The report executive summary contains key messages and recommendations. The executive summary report is available in easy-to-read, audio and screen reader compatible formats. Braille versions (English, Spanish and French) can be ordered by contacting [email protected].

– All formats and languages ​​can be accessed here.


World Report on Disability


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