Supporting UK Disability Heritage Month (UKDHM)


UKDHM is an annual event creating a platform to highlight disability history.

UK Disability Month

UK Disability Month

The month runs from 16 November to 16 December and is an opportunity to highlight the history of disability and the struggle for equality and human rights, and to reaffirm our commitment to raising awareness and fighting for disability rights in all communities. This year’s theme is “Disability, Children and Young People”.

Councillor Irim Ali, Newcastle City Council’s cabinet member for Dynamic Cities and the council’s equality advocate, said: “Disability History Month is an opportunity to raise awareness and recognition of the diverse disability community in the city and to lead the way in promoting and enabling access to and inclusion in the city and the services it offers. By valuing and listening to the lived experiences of our diverse communities, businesses and partners, it is our vision to make our great city one of the most inclusive and accessible in the world.”

We have signed up to the Newcastle Streets Charter, which aims to remove the barriers faced by disabled people in the city and sets out actions and commitments to tackle these barriers, and we have also signed up to AccessAble, which provides residents and visitors with detailed accessibility guides for different parts of the city.

Newcastle also provides a wide range of services for children and young people with disabilities, with a specialist team responsible for the assessment and ongoing support of children and young people up to the age of 25.

Our drive and commitment to inclusion is not just rooted in a legal responsibility; we have a moral obligation to lead by example and unite our partners to address the challenges that limit people’s potential and futures.”

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